Teeth Grinding and Clenching: Causes
Today’s living conditions have increased the stress factor in human life, leading to the emergence of many psychosomatic diseases. In the last decade, night tooth clenching While the habit has increased at a rate of in the society, the related treatment needs have also increased.
Soft silicone night plates have been used for many years to protect the teeth from the force of clenching and enamel erosion caused by grinding. However, this does not stop the urge to grind at night. Even increases in some patients
Teeth Clenching & Grinding: Treatment Methods
Specialist. Dr Erdem Kaya routinely recommends and applies Botox (Botulinum Toksin) application to the massetter and temporal muscle in addition to silicone night plates in the treatment of teeth clenching and grinding.
Thanks to Botox application, unconscious clenching caused by muscle contraction is prevented. Even if unconscious clenching continues, this force does not damage the teeth because most of the muscle bundles are under the effect of the applied botox.